Tailored Education for Commercial Cannabis Businesses
Tailored education allows you to quickly and affordably access the information and tools your teams need to implement or enhance your cannabis risk management practices.
ACCCE offers a range of specific commercial cannabis risk management training and workshop topics to fit your needs.
Tailored Training for Commercial Cannabis Businesses
Optimize Your Cannabis Risk Management Program
ACCCE provides tailored training and workshops for commercial cannabis business directors, C-suite executives, and compliance/risk functions. Cannabis risk management requires specialized education to demonstrate current knowledge of commercial cannabis industry risks. Tailored training allows you to implement or enhance controls based on your specific needs.
Implementing the Cannabis Risk Management Framework
Learn how to demonstrate your strong risk management practices to interested third parties, create your initial risk program using the Cannabis Risk Management Framework (CRMF), and define your control road map. This workshop includes information on the following:
- Define the Cannabis Risk Management Framework
- How the CRMF and risk program are related
- Review of the ACCCE Risk Program Template
- Discuss key roles and responsibilities
- Discuss the risk assessment
- Discuss the key control activities
- Discuss training expectations
- Discuss audit expectation
- How your business could use this information to form a risk assessment and risk profile to share with interested third parties
- Identify common inherent risks specific to money laundering, organized crime, compliance, supply chain, and operational risk areas in your sector
- Determine how your current SOPs/controls map to the five major risk areas for commercial cannabis businesses
- Provide sample documents such as:
- Risk Program Template
- Risk Program Approval
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Profile
Cannabis Risk Management 101: Initial Risk Program Implementation
Understand the highest risks affecting commercial cannabis businesses, the role of the risk officer in setting up the cannabis risk program, and how to create the initial risk profile. This workshop includes information on the following:
- Identify the role of the risk officer
- Fill out a risk program specific to your business
- Review the five major risk areas for commercial cannabis businesses
- Complete your commercial cannabis risk assessment to enhance your risk program
- Identify common high inherent risks
- Identify your controls
- Determine residual risk
- How to use the risk assessment to create your risk profile
- Understand what an issue management log is and how to roadmap future control development
- Leave this workshop with tailored documents on:
- Inherent risk profile by commercial cannabis sector
- Risk assessment template
- Risk profile template
- Issue management log template
- Risk officer job description
Cannabis Risk Management: Maturing your Cannabis Risk Program
Understand how to enhance your current risk program to manage your higher risk issues effectively and efficiently. This workshop includes information on the following:
- Review of the five major risk areas unique to commercial cannabis businesses
- Identification of how to manage the risks by risk drivers
- Review relevant high-risk issues
- Enhance your current risk assessment with high-risk issue analysis
- Discuss risk-based processes to consider
- Training
- Onboarding training
- Annual schedule
- Job tailoring
- Testing
- Self-testing
- Risk-based schedule
- Effective monitoring activities
- Effective testing activities
- Reporting results to management
- Issue management and integration of management responses
- Independent audit
- Where to use independent audits
- Scoping
- Who should engage the independent audit
- Where do the results get reported
- Issue Management and integration of management responses
- Training
- Leave this workshop with tailored documents on:
- Onboarding training by job
- Annual training schedule
- Schedule of self-testing based on your risk profile
- Final report template
- Issue management template
Effective Board and Risk Committee Oversight
Understand the key responsibilities of the board and risk committee, those areas that pose the greatest risks, and issues that should be escalated to the full board. This workshop includes information on the following:
- Review of the ACCCE Cannabis Risk Management Framework
- Review of commercial cannabis enforcement actions in the US with specific focus on aligning to the DOJ guidance on Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs
- How to make recommendations unique to the risks of the commercial cannabis business
- Documenting follow up on the recommendations
- Provide sample documents such as:
- Lead cannabis director responsibilities
- 10 questions to challenge management on the cannabis risk management program
- Self-review: cannabis risk management program
- Risk officer report to Risk Committee
Annual Training: Cannabis Risk Management
Continuing education for the day-to-day compliance and risk managers and staff to stay up to date on red flags and emerging risks in the commercial cannabis industry. This 30 minute training includes information on the following:
- Review of the five high risk areas unique to the commercial cannabis industry
- Breakdown of major commercial cannabis enforcement actions from cannabis regulators in the US and Canada to identify emerging risks and challenges
- Identification of responsibilities to maintain a comprehensive compliance program, based on the applicable standard:
- The U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs (Updated June 2020)
- Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) has issued a Guideline for deferred prosecution agreements, referred to as “Remediation Agreements” (RA) under Part XXII.1 of the Criminal Code

Contact Us
Contact us today to elevate your commercial cannabis business with the Cannabis Risk Management Framework.